Cruz-Diez's emblematic work will be visible on the new outdoor art parcours of Hangar Y for the 2023-2024 season, in partnership with Art Explora and Galleria Continua.
Conceived in Paris in 1965, Chromosaturation is an artificial environment made up of three colored chambers - one blue, one red and one green - which immerse visitors in a situation of absolute monochromy.
By isolating color phenomena in given spaces, Cruz-Diez lets the viewer experience a series of pure chromatic situations. These situations represent both the spectator's total "envelopment" by color and his organic participation in it.
His physical behavior, his movements, his decisions and his successive perceptions enable him to have a series of positive or negative chromatic experiences which, in any case, are not the result of conditioning.
Frank Popper – XXXVe Biennale di Venezia, Cruz-Diez : l'événement-couleur, Paris, April 1970
Presented in 2012 as part of the FIAC Hors les Murs program, in the heart of the Jardin des Tuileries, Chromosaturation pour une allée publique (1965/2012) has the particularity of being composed of two structures arranged opposite each other. A dialogue similar to that found in Chromosaturation et promenade chromatique pour un lieu public (Paris, 1969) presented at Place de l'Odéon, Boulevard Saint-Germain in Paris.

Here, Cruz-Diez proposes a succession of colorful atmospheres, allowing the viewer to see the transfiguration of his or her immediate surroundings; a simple situation that awakens the perception and sensitivity of the viewer.
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